SETO Survey Weights

The population for this component of our research is adults (18+) in the eight states we will include within this study: MA, NY, CA, OR, IL, MD, CO, and MN. We have chosen to oversample-populations that are considered low- to moderate-income (LMI) defined as up to 50% and between 50%-80% of an area’s median income, in accordance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) definitions of each term. We have also chosen to oversample minority and renter populations in this research, surpassing the proportional estimates of these demographics supplied by the 2018 American Community Survey (ACS) estimates.

As late June 2023, 1,493 individuals responded to the survey. Given the oversampling of income, minority and renter populations, survey weights must be designed and implemented to avoid bias in describing the population.

Race Weights

Race, along with all demographic data, is self-attested through the survey. The categories included: Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Multiracial, Native American or Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiin or Pacific Islander, Other, White. To construct state level weights, the categories were further condensed into the following: Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Other, and White.

Using the American Community Survey (ACS) 2020 5-Year data, from table B03002, a comparable crosstab was developed to match the race categories for the survey.

The chart below shows the race proportions for the survey compared against the state totals for each of the eight states where responses were collected. Note, the oversampling of Black, Asian, and Other - POC is evident, whereas White and Hispanic or Latino are undersampled.


Descriptive Statistics, 8-State Region
Race Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
White 52,150,851 602 86,629.32
Hispanic or Latino 24,830,970 207 119,956.38
Asian 9,585,168 217 44,171.28
Black or African American 9,540,566 290 32,898.50
Other - POC 3,841,546 177 21,703.65
Total 99,949,101 1,493 99,949,101.00


Descriptive Statistics
Race Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
Hispanic or Latino 15,380,929 107 143,747.00
White 14,365,145 134 107,202.57
Asian 5,743,983 120 47,866.53
Black or African American 2,142,371 82 26,126.48
Other - POC 1,713,595 72 23,799.93
Total 39,346,023 515 39,346,023.00


Descriptive Statistics
Race Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
White 3,837,450 82 46,798.17
Hispanic or Latino 1,231,126 29 42,452.62
Black or African American 224,190 22 10,190.45
Other - POC 213,895 19 11,257.63
Asian 178,265 12 14,855.42
Total 5,684,926 164 5,684,926.00


Descriptive Statistics
Race Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
White 7,737,459 74 104,560.26
Hispanic or Latino 2,190,696 19 115,299.79
Black or African American 1,766,586 54 32,714.56
Asian 702,457 18 39,025.39
Other - POC 318,966 15 21,264.40
Total 12,716,164 180 12,716,164.00


Descriptive Statistics
Race Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
White 4,865,022 58 83,879.69
Hispanic or Latino 828,140 4 207,035.00
Black or African American 466,288 28 16,653.14
Asian 462,831 13 35,602.39
Other - POC 250,722 14 17,908.71
Total 6,873,003 117 6,873,003.00


Descriptive Statistics
Race Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
White 3,028,494 28 108,160.50
Black or African American 1,773,702 34 52,167.71
Hispanic or Latino 619,418 3 206,472.67
Asian 382,027 4 95,506.75
Other - POC 233,983 4 58,495.75
Total 6,037,624 73 6,037,624.00


Descriptive Statistics
Race Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
White 4,422,490 46 96,141.09
Black or African American 354,540 9 39,393.33
Hispanic or Latino 307,675 2 153,837.50
Asian 273,100 5 54,620.00
Other - POC 242,361 4 60,590.25
Total 5,600,166 66 5,600,166.00

New York

Descriptive Statistics
Race Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
White 10,766,297 137 78,586.11
Hispanic or Latino 3,720,707 37 100,559.65
Black or African American 2,737,471 59 46,397.81
Asian 1,657,284 40 41,432.10
Other - POC 633,090 36 17,585.83
Total 19,514,849 309 19,514,849.00


Descriptive Statistics
Race Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
White 3,128,494 43 72,755.67
Hispanic or Latino 552,279 6 92,046.50
Other - POC 234,934 13 18,071.85
Asian 185,221 5 37,044.20
Black or African American 75,418 2 37,709.00
Total 4,176,346 69 4,176,346.00

Income Weights

Respondents to the survey were asked to report their household income respective to customized AMI categories, dependent on both their household size and zip code using a custom income group calculation methodology (zips to This calculation allowed for respondents to select income ranges for their household that corresponded to <30%, 30-50%, 50-80%, 80-120% and over 120% area median income (AMI).

Income weights are taken from the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) data. This data is released on a lagged timetable relative to the American Community Survey from the U.S. Census Bureau. Hence, the latest data available is five year 2018 data.

to-do: AMI last bucket is over 80, there is one more for 100% and over

  1. note that this is from table 11, where we can back into the calculation used by SETO
  2. CHAS output is for households, which is technically correct, but gender and race are by person, so the totals by state won’t look quite similar
HUD CHAS 2014-2018 Houseolds by AMI
state 1: Less than 30% AMI 2: Between 30-50% AMI 3: Between 50-80% AMI 4: Between 80-120% AMI 5: More than 120% AMI
California 1,833,800 1,535,410 2,026,165 2,294,225 5,275,825
Colorado 231,820 219,560 342,150 412,225 907,645
Illinois 646,950 560,715 773,960 894,685 1,953,715
Maryland 269,455 239,485 255,970 389,530 1,038,070
Massachusetts 393,300 282,985 336,210 448,605 1,140,815
Minnesota 248,055 244,935 342,430 449,560 882,820
New York 1,288,115 891,935 1,101,585 1,268,170 2,766,735
Oregon 167,840 165,925 254,310 293,920 709,845
Total 5,079,335 4,140,950 5,432,780 6,450,920 14,675,470


Descriptive Statistics, 8-State Region
Income Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
1: Less than 30% AMI 10,158,670 218 46,599.40
2: Between 30-50% AMI 8,281,900 191 43,360.73
3: Between 50-80% AMI 10,865,560 360 30,182.11
4: Between 80-120% AMI 12,901,840 338 38,171.12
5: More than 120% AMI 29,350,940 386 76,038.71
Total 71,558,910 1,493 71,558,910.00


Descriptive Statistics
Income Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
1: Less than 30% AMI 1,833,800 81 22,639.51
2: Between 30-50% AMI 1,535,410 49 31,334.90
3: Between 50-80% AMI 2,026,165 115 17,618.83
4: Between 80-120% AMI 2,294,225 104 22,059.86
5: More than 120% AMI 5,275,825 126 41,871.63
Total 12,965,425 475 12,965,425.00


Descriptive Statistics
Income Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
1: Less than 30% AMI 231,820 7 33,117.14
2: Between 30-50% AMI 219,560 7 31,365.71
3: Between 50-80% AMI 342,150 19 18,007.90
4: Between 80-120% AMI 412,225 11 37,475.00
5: More than 120% AMI 907,645 26 34,909.42
Total 2,113,400 70 2,113,400.00


Descriptive Statistics
Income Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
1: Less than 30% AMI 646,950 21 30,807.14
2: Between 30-50% AMI 560,715 22 25,487.04
3: Between 50-80% AMI 773,960 28 27,641.43
4: Between 80-120% AMI 894,685 30 29,822.83
5: More than 120% AMI 1,953,715 62 31,511.53
Total 4,830,025 163 4,830,025.00


Descriptive Statistics
Income Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
1: Less than 30% AMI 393,300 8 49,162.50
2: Between 30-50% AMI 282,985 10 28,298.50
3: Between 50-80% AMI 336,210 15 22,414.00
4: Between 80-120% AMI 448,605 22 20,391.14
5: More than 120% AMI 1,140,815 29 39,338.45
Total 2,601,915 84 2,601,915.00


Descriptive Statistics
Income Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
1: Less than 30% AMI 269,455 9 29,939.44
2: Between 30-50% AMI 239,485 10 23,948.50
3: Between 50-80% AMI 255,970 17 15,057.06
4: Between 80-120% AMI 389,530 18 21,640.56
5: More than 120% AMI 1,038,070 19 54,635.26
Total 2,192,510 73 2,192,510.00


Descriptive Statistics
Income Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
1: Less than 30% AMI 248,055 10 24,805.50
2: Between 30-50% AMI 244,935 9 27,215.00
3: Between 50-80% AMI 342,430 8 42,803.75
4: Between 80-120% AMI 449,560 12 37,463.33
5: More than 120% AMI 882,820 26 33,954.61
Total 2,167,800 65 2,167,800.00

New York

Descriptive Statistics
Income Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
1: Less than 30% AMI 1,288,115 47 27,406.70
2: Between 30-50% AMI 891,935 50 17,838.70
3: Between 50-80% AMI 1,101,585 59 18,670.93
4: Between 80-120% AMI 1,268,170 58 21,865.00
5: More than 120% AMI 2,766,735 62 44,624.76
Total 7,316,540 276 7,316,540.00


Descriptive Statistics
Income Census_Total Survey_Total Weight
1: Less than 30% AMI 167,840 5 33,568.00
2: Between 30-50% AMI 165,925 7 23,703.57
3: Between 50-80% AMI 254,310 11 23,119.09
4: Between 80-120% AMI 293,920 7 41,988.57
5: More than 120% AMI 709,845 24 29,576.88
Total 1,591,840 54 1,591,840.00