Community Priorities


Solar power is the fastest growing renewable energy source. Community shared solar (CSS) projects lower the barrier to entry. This is accomplished by increasing the applicant pool by allowing those without rooftop access, such as renters or those in apartment buildings, and by lowering the financial burden of entry, as the fixed costs to install and operate the solar panels are collectivised rather than focused on one rooftop. CSS programs that are third-party owned and have participants subscribe to ongoing payments. Typically, within these programs, customers are given predefined, discrete contract terms rather than being able to compare multiple offerings or select their own terms. Our research is attempting to mimic this approach by giving customers a randomly assigned contract and surveying them on their willingness to adopt this program.

For potential customers, community solar contracts vary by their contract attributes. These include term length, cancellation fees, and potential savings rates relative to traditional utility bill companies. Given the importance of both the solar industry and the relatively incipient community solar industry, a dearth of research exists on how potential customer priorities are reflected in the likelihood of contract adoption.

This research seeks to fill this gap by developing quantitative measurements of community priorities in likelihood of contract adoption. An original data set comprised of potential community solar customers surveyed was collected. Along with respondents demographic information, draft contracts with varying degrees of contract attributes were shown to each participant and their contract adoption rates. Using a weighted logit model, the likelihood of contract adoption was analyzed by including predictors for various demographic data and contract attributes. Additionally, relative importance is through a multinomial logit model, allowing contract attributes and demographic information to be interpreted in predictive strength relative to respective reference groups.

Literature Review

to-do: to be added/folded into the Introduction to frame the macro-scope of this study


The community solar priorities research consists of an analysis of survey data in which each respondent was asked to evaluate two hypothetical community solar contracts with varying contract terms. Respondents also answered a number of demographic questions.

The contracts that respondents reviewed varied along the following features: (1) the program’s savings rate compared to the typical monthly electricity bill, (2) the program’s cancellation fee, (3) the contract term’s length in years, and (4) the page length of the contract.

In addition to basic descriptive analyses, the goal is to conduct two distinct analyses using the survey data. The primary analysis will use a logit model to estimate respondents’ stated willingness to enroll in the contracts they reviewed, controlling for available demographic characteristics. The secondary analysis will use an order multinomial logit model to estimate respondents’ stated willingness to enroll in a contract based on various contract terms as measured by a 5-point Likert scale.

Data Collection

Survey respondents were drawn from two sources: (1) members of the Qualtrics panel (“the Qualtrics sample”), and (2) individuals in community groups identified by Solstice (“the Community Group sample”). Combined, these two surveys represent the primary data source. Survey responses were collected in the Qualtrics sample from April 2021 to June 2021, and resulted in 1,261 individual responses. To expand the survey population, the Community Group sample was collected from December 2021 to June 2022, with 1,022 responses. Total responses resulted in 2,283. Response quality was measured in order to detect fraud or errant submissions. After this prophylactic step, a total of 1,493 unique individuals remained, with a total of 2,986 responses as each individual reviewed two contracts.

To make sure that enough of the respondents are from populations of interest, both of these data sources oversampled low-income respondents and people of color. To avoid biased estimates as a result of the overweighting in the survey design, survey weights are devised using state level ACS data for race. Weights are available as well for income, however due to the dynamic surveying of income used in the design of the survey weighting was opted for just race controls. Please reference the survey weights section for additional information.

The population for this component of our research is adults (18+) in the eight states we will include within this study: Massachusetts, New York, California, Oregon, Illinois, Maryland, Colorado and Minnesota. We have chosen to oversample-populations that are considered low- to moderate-income (LMI) defined as up to 50% and between 50%-80% of an area’s median income, in accordance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) definitions of each term.. Dynamic surveying was deployed in which respondents are asked whether their income falls within the LMI ranges that correspond with their zip code and household size. This is the preferred approach for this research as it allows for comparing priorities across broad income categories and avoid non- response issues attached to asking respondents to self-attest their income levels. We have also chosen to oversample minority and renter populations in this research, surpassing the proportional estimates of these demographics supplied by the 2020 American Community Survey (ACS) estimates. We have designed this sampling scheme to center familiarity with community solar as a core demographic within this research, though we will not weight on this demographic due to lack of an applicable metric. By centering familiarity with community solar as a central demographic within this research, Solstice plans to incorporate respondents that are the likely next adopters of community solar and respondents from populations that are not currently effectively reached by community solar. All demographic information will be self-attested through the community solar priorities research survey.

Full copies of the survey questions are available on the github repository.

Descriptive Statistics

Table 1 shows the summary statistics for both the demographic and the contract attribute data. Contract varying terms such as savings rate, cancellation fee, contract pages and contract years were evenly divided so as to evaluate contract adoption rate relative to contract differences. Contracts were randomly assigned to responsees to review. The statistics below show how in aggregate, the distribution of contract attributes remained similar to their construction.

Demographic Comparison

Demographic data as reported in Table 1 reflects the oversampling of LMI, minority and renting communities. Graphs 1-3 show the proportion of each of these oversampled demographic categories in comparison totals. For race and income, comparison data is taken for the 8 state region from the 2020 5-year American Community Survey. Given the dynamic sampling used for income categories, control totals for income is taken from the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy Data (CHAS). The most recent CHAS data is available as of 2018 5-year data.





A number of independent variables will be used for both contract attributes and demographic data. Interaction variables will be tested for significant, along with a initial stepwise regression to determine which variables to initially include. The below equation is a summary of the full model used in this analysis. The dependent variable is a binary variable for contract adoption, \(y_{signup}\), where 1 signifies the contract was adopted and 0 signifies it was not.

\[\begin{equation} y_{signup} = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}x_{sr} +\beta_{2}x_{cly} +\beta_{3}x_{clp} +\beta_{4}x_{cf} + \\ \beta_{5}x_{inc}+\beta_{6}x_{race} + \beta_{7}x_{hs} +\beta_{8}x_{fam} + \beta_{9}x_{rev} + \beta_{10}x_{ord}+ e_{i} \end{equation}\]


  • \(x_{sr}\): savings rates on monthly energy bill in contracts, listed at either 5%, 10% or 20%
  • \(x_{cly}\): contract length years, either 1 or 25 years
  • \(x_{clp}\): contract length pages, either 10 or 20 pages
  • \(x_{cf}\): cancellation fee, either zero or $250
  • \(x_{inc}\): income, listed as Low (up to 50% of AMI), Moderate (50% - 120% of AMI), or High (>120% AMI)
  • \(x_{race}\): Categories include Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, White and Other POC
  • \(x_{hs}\): Homeowner status for Homeowner, Renter or Other
  • \(x_{fam}\): More or less familiar with community solar
  • \(x_{rev}\): How much respondent reviewed the contract; up to half the contract review is captured by “less review”, over half and up to the whole contract is “more review”
  • \(x_{ord}\): Contract review order, likely not necessary.

Other variables of interest to consider: government program - x_govt


Primary Analysis

From Table 1, seven models are presented analyzing changes in probability of sign up.

Table 1: Logistic Regression Output

Table 1 Logistic Regression Results

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7
b b b b b b b

5% savings rate 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10% savings rate 0.123 0.068 0.060 0.117 0.118 0.157 0.157
20% savings rate 0.093 0.068 0.069 0.077 0.078 0.117 0.120
01 High 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
02 Moderate income 0.360** 0.313* 0.303* 0.308* 0.178 0.177
03 Low income -0.222 -0.299* -0.231 -0.231 -0.356* -0.348*
01 White 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
02 Black 0.169 0.168 0.164 0.091 0.075
03 Hispanic 0.270 0.313 0.321 0.170 0.161
04 Asian -0.100 -0.072 -0.070 -0.016 0.005
05 Other POC 0.203 0.379 0.377 0.442* 0.444*
01 Homeowner 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
02 Renter -0.315* -0.326** -0.091 -0.069
03 Other 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10-page contract 0.000 0.000 0.000
20-page contract -0.064 -0.066 -0.056
1-year contract 0.000 0.000 0.000
25-year contract -0.222* -0.228* -0.225*
Zero Cancellation Fee 0.000 0.000 0.000
$250 Cancellation Fee 0.013 0.039 0.042
01 Less familiar 0.000 0.000
02 More familiar 1.471*** 1.479***
01 Less review 0.000
02 More review 0.255*
Constant 0.314*** 0.231* 0.198 0.259 0.395* -0.385* -0.560**

Observations 2986 2988 2988 2976 2976 2976 2976

* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Table 2: Odds Ratios

Table 2 Odds Ratios

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7
b b b b b b b

5% savings rate 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
10% savings rate 1.131 1.071 1.062 1.124 1.125 1.170 1.170
20% savings rate 1.098 1.071 1.072 1.080 1.081 1.124 1.127
01 High 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
02 Moderate income 1.433** 1.367* 1.354* 1.360* 1.195 1.193
03 Low income 0.801 0.742* 0.794 0.793 0.700* 0.706*
01 White 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
02 Black 1.184 1.183 1.178 1.095 1.078
03 Hispanic 1.310 1.367 1.378 1.185 1.175
04 Asian 0.904 0.930 0.932 0.985 1.005
05 Other POC 1.225 1.461 1.458 1.555* 1.558*
01 Homeowner 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
02 Renter 0.730* 0.722** 0.913 0.933
03 Other 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
10-page contract 1.000 1.000 1.000
20-page contract 0.938 0.936 0.945
1-year contract 1.000 1.000 1.000
25-year contract 0.801* 0.796* 0.799*
Zero Cancellation Fee 1.000 1.000 1.000
$250 Cancellation Fee 1.013 1.039 1.043
01 Less familiar 1.000 1.000
02 More familiar 4.355*** 4.388***
01 Less review 1.000
02 More review 1.291*

Observations 2986 2988 2988 2976 2976 2976 2976

Exponentiated coefficients
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Figure 1: Odds Ratio

The figure above reflects the odds ratios for Model 7.

Main Takeaways

When considering the preferred model 7, the following variables were observed as statistically significant:

  • Low Income (relative to High Income)
  • Other POC (relative to White)
  • 25 Year Contract (relative to 1 year)
  • More familiar with CS (relative to less familiar)
  • More time spent on reviewing contracts (relative to less time)

Controlling for all other variables, contract length was found to have a strong negative relationship on the probability of contract adoption. For example, holding all variables constant, from model 5 we see that the odds ratio for contract length of 25 years is 0.801, meaning the group with contracts of 25 years are 0.801 times as likely as the group with contracts of 1 year of signing up.

No statistically significant difference in contract adoption were observed when respondents are shown differing savings rates, suggesting other attributes are primary motivations instead of savings rate. Relative to White respondents, ‘Other POC’ were 1.55 times more likely to adopt the contract in model 6, controlling for all other demographic and contract attributes.

Moderate income individuals were more likely relative to high income individuals to accept the contract when controlling for race, contract length in both pages and years, and cancellation fees. However, by model 6, the difference is no longer statistically significant. Interestingly, in model 6 and 7, low income individuals, were less likely to adopt the contract relative to high income and controlling for all variables

By far the strongest indicator of probability of sign up is familiarity with the subject of community solar. Relative to less informed participants, more informed participants were 4.4 times more likely to sign up, holding constant all other contract and demographic attributes. This suggests education outreach initiatives would be highly beneficial in promoting future community solar adoption.

Secondary Analysis

The secondary analysis uses a multinomial logit model to investigate the degree of which the same independent variables above influence the likert scale questions asked in the survey, including likelihood of contract adoption given differing savings rates, cancellation fees and contract lengths. Multinomial logit models are commonly utilized with outputs of interest are categorized in discrete sequences, such as a Likert scale.

Savings Rates

(10 observations deleted)

(est1 stored)

(est2 stored)

(est3 stored)

Relative risks ratios of the savings rate multinomial logistic regression model (reference group: neutral
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  1-5%                                                           6-10%             
>                                              11-15%                                                   
                              Negative        Unlikely          Likely     Affirmative        Negative        Unlik
> ely          Likely     Affirmative        Negative        Unlikely          Likely     Affirmative   
                                     b               b               b               b               b             
>   b               b               b               b               b               b               b   
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01 White                          ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         0.638           1.031           0.668           1.324           1.046           0.
> 839           0.957           1.496           1.170           1.334           0.937           1.175   
03 Hispanic                      1.401           0.915           0.686           0.666           1.622           1.
> 657           0.886           0.822           1.344           0.781           0.607*          0.685   
04 Asian                         0.888           1.023           0.888           0.328*          0.628           0.
> 468**         0.514**         0.552           0.651           0.953           1.031           0.899   
05 Other POC                     1.052           1.113           1.030           1.247           0.941           0.
> 979           1.014           1.420           0.819           1.030           0.742           1.075   
01 High                          0.906           0.962           0.990           1.159           0.992           0.
> 701           1.581*          1.674           0.759           0.507*          1.248           1.720*  
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               0.883           1.104           1.044           0.991           0.780           0.
> 898           1.404           1.349           0.509*          0.862           1.146           1.438   
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        0.893           1.062           0.793           0.867           0.861           0.
> 864           0.800           0.780           0.765           0.865           0.850           0.842   
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 0.675*          0.775           1.562*          7.163***        0.756           0.
> 788           1.721***        2.972***        0.650           0.824           1.218           1.773** 
Constant                         0.920           0.849           0.626           0.067***        0.528*          0.
> 730           0.575*          0.160***        0.629           0.465**         0.949           0.363***
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exponentiated coefficients
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
(10 observations deleted)

(est1 stored)

(est2 stored)

(est3 stored)

Relative risks ratios of the savings rate multinomial logistic regression model (reference group: neutral
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                16-20%                                                          21-50%             
>                                            Over 50%                                                   
                              Negative        Unlikely          Likely     Affirmative        Negative        Unlik
> ely          Likely     Affirmative        Negative        Unlikely          Likely     Affirmative   
                                     b               b               b               b               b             
>   b               b               b               b               b               b               b   
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01 White                          ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         1.048           1.698           0.735           0.923           1.438           1.
> 458           0.776           0.863           0.835           0.919           0.529*          0.640   
03 Hispanic                      1.555           0.985           1.099           0.848           2.646*          1.
> 584           1.414           1.429           1.432           0.467           0.610           0.907   
04 Asian                         0.618           0.903           0.936           0.853           1.259           1.
> 631           1.447           1.565           0.646           0.690           0.925           1.312   
05 Other POC                     0.980           0.506           0.880           0.826           1.477           1.
> 388           1.617           1.408           1.255           1.140           0.788           1.267   
01 High                          0.927           0.719           2.022**         2.874***        0.802           0.
> 860           2.246**         3.499***        0.416           0.403           1.297           2.293** 
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               0.479*          1.171           1.331           1.574*          0.396**         1.
> 003           1.504           1.646*          0.430*          0.492           1.154           1.489   
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        0.887           1.467           0.908           1.148           1.002           1.
> 207           1.072           1.202           0.690           0.608           0.590*          0.729   
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 1.048           0.923           1.171           1.451*          0.933           2.
> 300*          0.841           1.002           0.930           2.587*          0.814           0.823   
Constant                         0.497*          0.236***        1.108           0.612*          0.347*          0.
> 119***        1.244           1.100           0.681           0.457           2.870***        4.475***
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exponentiated coefficients
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Figure 2: Savings Rate Margins Plot

Savings Rates Margin Plots.

Cancellation Fees

(10 observations deleted)

(est1 stored)

(est2 stored)

(est3 stored)

Relative risks ratios of the cancellation fees multinomial logistic regression model (reference group: neutral
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   (1)                                                             (2)             
>                                                 (3)                                                   
                             Fee 1-100                                                     Fee 101-250             
>                                         Fee 251-500                                                   
                              Negative        Unlikely          Likely     Affirmative               1             
>   2               4               5               1               2               4               5   
                                     b               b               b               b               b             
>   b               b               b               b               b               b               b   
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01 White                          ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         1.096           1.041           0.896           0.949           0.892           0.
> 539*          0.941           1.007           0.596*          0.592           1.230           0.696   
03 Hispanic                      1.301           1.095           0.728           0.827           0.725           0.
> 521*          0.557           0.411*          0.593*          0.467*          0.698           0.382*  
04 Asian                         1.280           0.880           1.137           0.571           1.130           0.
> 708           0.596           0.412*          1.320           1.123           0.855           0.495   
05 Other POC                     1.140           1.273           1.196           1.623           0.821           0.
> 676           0.838           1.037           1.180           1.531           1.355           1.826   
01 High                          0.646           1.197           1.917**         1.593           0.680           1.
> 385           1.513           1.521           1.041           1.393           1.216           1.562   
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               0.826           1.198           1.308           1.695*          0.729           0.
> 883           1.334           1.540           0.677           0.718           1.150           1.341   
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        1.127           1.007           0.893           0.839           1.196           1.
> 162           0.570*          0.733           1.223           1.093           0.485**         0.531*  
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 0.561**         0.837           1.346           2.020**         0.245***        0.
> 340***        1.593*          2.305**         0.240***        0.539**         2.264**         3.648***
Constant                         1.037           0.620           0.619           0.251***        3.190***        1.
> 596           0.486*          0.201***        4.809***        1.576           0.371**         0.174** 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exponentiated coefficients
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
(10 observations deleted)

(est1 stored)

(est2 stored)

Relative risks ratios of the cancellation fees multinomial logistic regression model (reference group: neutral
                                   (1)             (2)   
                          Fee 500-1000    Fee 1000 P~s   
                                     b               b   
01 White                          ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         0.417***        0.396***
03 Hispanic                      0.555*          0.620   
04 Asian                         0.980           0.772   
05 Other POC                     0.907           0.877   
01 High                          1.420           1.524   
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               0.876           1.181   
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        1.278           1.232   
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 0.238***        0.266***
Constant                         6.878***        7.399***
01 White                          ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         0.540*          0.473*  
03 Hispanic                      0.467*          0.494   
04 Asian                         0.876           0.530   
05 Other POC                     1.002           0.773   
01 High                          1.157           1.163   
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               1.042           1.193   
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        1.074           0.925   
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 0.437***        0.833   
Constant                         1.791           1.461   
01 White                          ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         0.569           0.640   
03 Hispanic                      0.621           0.466   
04 Asian                         0.365*          0.382*  
05 Other POC                     0.549           0.968   
01 High                          1.815           1.150   
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               2.284**         2.008*  
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        0.446**         0.756   
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 3.786***        3.285***
Constant                         0.245***        0.257** 
01 White                          ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         0.900           0.794   
03 Hispanic                      0.665           0.742   
04 Asian                         0.767           0.395*  
05 Other POC                     2.314*          1.644   
01 High                          1.468           1.220   
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               1.460           1.331   
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        0.786           0.620   
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 2.795**         2.551** 
Constant                         0.208**         0.452*  
Exponentiated coefficients
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Figure 3: Cancellation Fee Margins Plot

Cancellation Fees Margin Plots.

Contract Length (Years)

(10 observations deleted)

(est1 stored)

(est2 stored)

(est3 stored)

Relative risks ratios of the savings rate multinomial logistic regression model (reference group: neutral
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   (1)                                                             (2)             
>                                                 (3)                                                   
                             1-3 Years                                                       4-6 Years             
>                                          7-10 Years                                                   
                              Negative        Unlikely          Likely     Affirmative               1             
>   2               4               5               1               2               4               5   
                                     b               b               b               b               b             
>   b               b               b               b               b               b               b   
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01 White                          ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         1.133           1.453           0.890           1.441           1.453           1.
> 072           0.763           1.267           1.241           1.557           1.188           1.362   
03 Hispanic                      1.103           1.367           0.608           0.536           0.652           1.
> 082           0.630           0.385*          0.610           0.875           0.834           0.359** 
04 Asian                         0.683           0.563           0.658           0.706           0.703           0.
> 947           0.589*          0.759           0.763           1.026           0.965           0.402** 
05 Other POC                     0.546           1.575           1.227           0.919           0.714           1.
> 226           1.070           1.079           1.215           1.520           1.082           1.347   
01 High                          0.554           1.203           1.359           1.594           0.907           1.
> 422           1.482           1.463           1.164           1.570           2.092**         1.146   
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               0.827           1.247           1.149           1.260           0.978           1.
> 419           1.449           1.307           0.872           0.878           1.399           1.166   
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        0.995           0.897           0.800           0.661*          1.318           1.
> 023           0.788           0.698           1.153           1.226           0.606**         0.799   
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            r
> ef.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 1.179           1.553*          1.281           1.448           0.576**         0.
> 866           1.929***        2.476***        0.391***        0.613*          2.371***        2.167***
Constant                         0.470*          0.302***        0.887           0.430**         0.555*          0.
> 423***        0.517**         0.239***        0.990           0.535*          0.344***        0.335***
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exponentiated coefficients
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
(10 observations deleted)

(est1 stored)

(est2 stored)

(est3 stored)

Relative risks ratios of the savings rate multinomial logistic regression model (reference group: neutral
                                   (1)             (2)             (3)   
                           11-15 Years     16-20 Years       21+ Years   
                                     b               b               b   
01 White                          ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         1.075           1.027           0.837   
03 Hispanic                      0.684           0.485*          0.661   
04 Asian                         0.963           0.898           0.775   
05 Other POC                     1.190           1.081           0.992   
01 High                          1.173           1.397           1.399   
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               0.899           0.920           0.848   
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        1.325           1.057           1.121   
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 0.322***        0.364***        0.372***
Constant                         1.259           1.645*          1.870** 
01 White                          ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         1.015           1.062           0.947   
03 Hispanic                      0.825           0.555           0.820   
04 Asian                         1.186           1.102           1.190   
05 Other POC                     1.646           0.918           1.169   
01 High                          1.471           2.449**         1.597   
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               0.766           1.544           1.402   
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        1.309           1.090           1.036   
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 0.538**         0.528**         0.717   
Constant                         0.576*          0.537*          0.522*  
01 White                          ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         0.785           0.966           0.751   
03 Hispanic                      1.286           0.815           0.755   
04 Asian                         0.885           0.992           0.795   
05 Other POC                     1.156           0.840           1.130   
01 High                          1.431           1.253           0.970   
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               1.629*          1.212           1.195   
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        0.973           0.582**         0.750   
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 2.097***        2.458***        3.040***
Constant                         0.301***        0.440**         0.383***
01 White                          ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Black                         1.217           0.969           0.884   
03 Hispanic                      0.968           0.765           1.270   
04 Asian                         0.780           0.523           0.597   
05 Other POC                     1.106           1.100           1.171   
01 High                          1.378           1.609           1.727   
01 Low Income                     ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Moderate income               1.288           1.507           1.536   
01 Homeowner                      ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 Renter                        0.975           0.966           0.885   
01 Less Familiar                  ref.            ref.            ref.   
02 More familiar                 2.116***        2.545***        3.153***
Constant                         0.278***        0.322***        0.308***
Exponentiated coefficients
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Figure 4: Contract Length Margins Plot

Contract Years Margin Plots.
